What is National Care Home Day?

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It’s about creating an opportunity for you to enrich the lives of some amazing people - people that are already part of your community... Whether you realise it or not!

June 20th 2014 will see the UK's care homes take centre stage, uniting for the first time ever to create lasting links between care home residents and their local communities. We’re determined to make some positive noise about our care homes, and we want you to be part of it!

On National Care Home Open Day, thousands of care homes will be putting on a show, with a rich variety of events, activities and entertainments designed for one reason and one reason only - to bring people together and build some connections.

We'd love it if you could pay a visit to your local care home on June 20th - just click here to find a home near you. In the mean time, we need you to get involved and help us by spreading the word - just like us on Facebook or share with your friends on Twitter, and together we’ll make a difference!